Sell a newly erected, but without tinkering and orginal S 50 N without blinkers and Zndschloß. There are several new parts installed and small parts and overhauled. The Samson is repainted (original blue) and new tires. The S 50 is in very good optical and technical condition (see pictures). The e-system is fully functional without a battery. It is a 6 volt ignition coil with external Unterbrecherzndung installed. The 3-speed motor has been overhauled, jumps well and runs very well. Just sit on the flight concerned and go. The tank is stainless steel inside and carburetor Ignition been cleaned and adjusted.
Inspection and test drive on request at any time possible.
With appropriate Kostenbernahme to about 100 km from my hand delivery possible darber out by a shipping company.