Sell a newly constructed and renovated TOP Trike Company TOTH-TWA. It is noted this is a real special model as well as on the nameplate. The trike was raised in October 2011 to March 2012 from me in better detail work from Schalfe. The kompeltte frame was separated from the connecting Chasis and powder coated gloss black. All technical and optical parts have been largely replaced generalberholt and new such as: engine was disassembled and painted and fitted with new parts, new tires front and rear, new front and rear brakes replaced, battery, brake lines, all liquids, new electrical lines drawn, leather seats reupholstered, Chasis and attachments newly painted, etc.
There was so much time and money Fri a TOP inversed work. Of course there is also documentation and pictures of everything was done! I am happy to give further Ausknfte on the phone. Test drive is of course also may and erwnscht |