Sell due to lack of time my team! It is a Chan Jiang CJ 750 frame with BMW engine (802VD). The vehicle was imported to Germany by the previous owner, therefore Year 1998; Did the team completely dismantled and rebuilt and paint can. The following technical data: Chan Jiang CJ 750 sidecar frame and, BMW engine with CJ gear (complete disassembled and overhauled) with Bing carburetors and exhaust R80RT registered. CJ shaft drive, converted to small 18 \I installed the battery in the sidecar trunk - so good road holding, performance is actually higher than stated and is really fun, all oils and filters are new, fenders are gekrzt, the unit would sell only to professionals with technical background, who know what's at stake! The vehicle can be sold with new Repair on request. For questions please call and notwrite endless emails ;-) |